Our Pastors

John Miller

Phone:  717-636-2975
Email: Johnthe1689baptist@gmail.com

In the summer of 2023 John was called by the church and formally installed as pastor of Redeemer Baptist Church.  Pastor John and his wife Elizabeth have four children; Kathryn, Kristyn, Nathan, and Samuel.



Joe Hester

Phone:  478-960-8718
Email: greatyards@hotmail.com


Joe was born into an “unchurched” family in 1979. He grew up knowing very little if anything about the gospel until his late teens. The Lord graciously saved him in 2000 from a life of sin and pursuit of the world. After diligently searching the Scriptures, he began to see Reformation truth, and thus the search began for a church that held to these doctrines. This search led him and his family to Redeemer Baptist in 2004. It was at Redeemer that he was nourished by the preaching of the Word and began to mature in his understanding of Scripture (a process that is still ongoing). Joe was ordained for the gospel ministry in 2010.

In September of 2001 Joe married his wife, Courtney, and together they have seven children: Chandler, Jaiden, Josiah, Eli, Haddon, Hudson, and Joseph.



Jake Walls

Phone:  478-832-0931
Email: jwalls@cfcalancers.org

In God’s providence, Jake was ordained as an elder at Redeemer Baptist Church in 2010. Jake has lived in middle Georgia for the last 25 years. Jake is the son of Jerry and Debby Walls; his father is the pastor of Southside Baptist Church in Warner Robins, Georgia. Jake is married to the former Angie Kinsey, whom he met at college. Jake and Angie have been blessed by the Lord with seven children: Alli, Jeb, Knox, Judson, Paton (deceased), Anna Karoline, and Dabney. The Walls family currently lives in Perry and enjoys Alabama Crimson Tide football and the Georgia National Fair.

After graduating from high school, Jake received a college scholarship to play basketball and attended Covenant College on Lookout Mountain, Georgia. He studied history and Christian education while at Covenant. He has also earned a Master of Arts degree in Theological Studies from Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary.

Jake currently serves as the principal and athletic director of Central Fellowship Christian Academy in Macon, Georgia. Jake and Angie also started and currently serve as the directors for Veritas Classical Schools in middle Georgia, which assists homeschooling families as they seek to educate their children in the classical tradition to the glory of God.